API Documentation

ApplyGem uses a RESTful API that returns data in JSON format. Every account has its own API key, which it can use to retrieve applications or retrieve, insert, and update applicants. API keys share access permissions with the accounts they belong to.


GET https://api.applygem.com/applications?key=my_api_key


GET Retrieves a list of applications. key, tags[]


GET Retrieves an application's fields. key


GET Retrieve a list of applicants for an application. key
POST Creates a new applicant. key


GET Retrieves an applicant's fields and answers. key
POST Updates an existing applicant's information. key, fields_ids


POST Retrieves signed URL(s) for uploads. key, fields_ids

Possible Parameters:

Name Type Methods Description
key String GET, POST (Always required) Your API key; found under "Account" when logged in.
tags[] Array GET An array of strings representing application tag names. Only applications matching all tags will be returned.
fields_ids String POST Comma-separated array of field ID's.